Green News
Green Week 2024 Lineup
Pontypridd:Yr Eisteddfod fwyaf Werdd erioed?
Pontypridd: The Greenest Eisteddfod Ever?
Friends of the Earth Pontypridd Response to RCT CBC Draft Tree Strategy: October
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Pontypridd:Yr Eisteddfod fwyaf Werdd erioed?
Mae grwpiau amgylcheddol lleol Pontypridd yn annog trefnwyr yr Eisteddfod i wneud yr amgylchedd a chynaladwyedd yn prioriti wrth drefnu Eisteddfod 2024, a chynhelir yn …
Pontypridd: The Greenest Eisteddfod Ever?
Pontypridd’s local environmental groups are encouraging the organisers of the Eisteddfod to make the environment and sustainability a priority for Eisteddfod 2024, the Welsh language …
For Pontypridd Green Week 2023 we are celebrating and exploring Commons. Whatever is that supposed to mean!? I’m glad you asked. Common is for all …
Friends of the Earth Pontypridd Response to RCT CBC Draft Tree Strategy: October
‘Pontypridd pledges respect and protection for trees, living beings,leaves to heal nations, crowns to purify skies, roots to bind earth.’ Rights of the Trees developed …
Green Week 2022 Lineup
Pontypridd Green Week is shaping up to be a bumper week of workshops, nature walks, poetry and song. If you would like to add an …
Friends of the Earth Pontypridd comments on the Draft Pontypridd Placemaking Plan
Friends of the Earth Pontypridd (FoE Ponty) is a group of local volunteers who work proactively in and around the Pontypridd area to campaign on environmental issues and act to improve the environment.
When RCT Council announced their Net Zero commitment, we worked with stakeholders in Pontypridd to bring together expertise and developed a collaborative paper with ideas and suggestions on what local people wanted to see happen. As a result of this submission, a representative from FoE Ponty sits on RCT Council’s Climate Steering Group. As a group, we have also worked closely with Pontypridd
Town Council both on the Bee Friendly Pontypridd initiative and on their climate emergency declaration and we are represented on the Climate Sub Group of their Environment Committee.
Pontypridd Place Based Planning for People and Planet
Let’s talk about the Pontypridd Place Based Plan with a view to maximising the benefits for people and the planet. Join us to share your …
CEYOU Youth Forum
As part of the CEYOU project a process to form a Youth Forum on circular economy started in summer 2020 in Pontypridd, Wales. The activities, coordinated by CEYOU coordinating partner Pontydygsu Ltd, consisted of a series of online and face to face events involving young people, youth organisations and local elected representatives. The aim of the Forum is to develop an action plan on circular economy and then to carry out those actions. The target audience were young people, (members of Young Friends of the Earth Pontypridd, representatives from local schools, and members of groups such as Girl guides) as well as local representatives from the UK Government, Welsh Assembly and local council. The core group of young people were already part of an activist group who had been organising and participating in the local school strikes for Climate action; they had also already participated in a hustings with local potential candidates for parliament. They were and are still keen to continue their activities.
The Rights of The Taff